Friday, December 3, 2010

Are You Listening? Digital Collage Project

For this assignment we had to incorporate images of our body part sculpture into a digital collage. Since the cochlea is a part of the ear, I thought listening was a fitting theme for my collage. My sculpture has an impersonal, science fair sort of feel, so I wanted to pair that with a human element it had been lacking. I used personal photos of friends and family, all in black and white. I wanted to contrast the foreground and the background, and I found this to be the most effective way of doing it. This piece turned out to be very personal for me, and I'm pleased with the results.


  1. The faces in the background confuse me, but maybe that's because I feel like they're staring. Especially that baby. It's staring into my soul. However, the assemblage of sculpture pictures really seems interesting, especially since it's in a U form of composition. It would lead the eye well, except I'm distracted by the evil baby, so my eyes are having difficulty being led.

  2. The pattern of the faces contrasts greatly with the bold color of the subject, which is awesome. However, only the "are you listening" cues me into the idea that it is a part of the ear, as the expressions of the faces confuse me. Otherwise, compositionally, this is a great piece!

  3. So the thing I like most about this piece is how much it seems to pop off the page. You have a definite foreground, middle ground, and background in this piece that gives a great sense of depth. My only criticism of this piece, is that if someone did not know that your sculpture was a cochlea, they might be a little confused in regards to the people in the background.
